Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hello everybody. My name is Tan Jing Xian, you can also call me Kate because that's my nickname. I'm from 2RK2 and I'm loving it. So now, let me introduce myself briefly. I'm the Vice President for this KRK blog. I'm a chinese girl. Many say look like a malay girl (skin colour!). For those in SMKKB, they can easily spot me around the school. The library is one of my favourite haunts during my free-time. Well, once I read, you know...I won't even respond even if someone tells me the sky is falling (YOU CLEARLY KNOW WHAT I MEAN!). Oh dear, did I just tell you my favourite haunts?! Well, well, at least now you'll know where to find me. I love to contribute to the school. In what way, maybe through writing articles and poetry for the school magazine. I'll promise you that you'll see my works every year in the school magazine. Hehe... Oh dear, I think it's time for me to end my century-long introduction. Please forgive me if I've touched some raw nerves of yours, if I've writen too much or if I'm taking up too much of your time to read what I've to say-I didn't mean it (it's my habit!).

Tan Jing Xian.
Vice President of KRK blog.

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